Sub-zero operations are tough. Depending on the geographical location, workers wear up to 7 layers of clothes and up to 4 layers of gloves weighing up to 10kg total, while running operations with dangerous materials and tools. In such conditions, workers risk health hazards, injuries, unstable productivity and, sometimes, even their life. For the employer all this means impressive insurance policies and very expensive insulated passive-equipment, while still not solving at all the main problem: the sub-zero environments.
We have built the world’s first solution to sub-zero environments. QOOWEAR is the world’s first AI-controlled heating garment, which is able to automatically change its temperature protecting workers from extreme sub-zero temperatures and automatically boosting both their safety and productivity. QOOWEAR is a base layer in contact with the skin, worn under the other layers and 100% embeddable into existing equipment. QOOWEAR is the world’s first work wear with its own Return Of Investment, built not to be a cost for the Company but an investment, which is repaid by the boost of Worker’s profitability itself.
QOOWEAR is based on selected heating points which use blood as a thermal vector and it uses Artificial Intelligence to recognize in real-time the coldest points of the body, giving them the priority to be heated, including critical anatomical areas such as fingers and toes. QOOWEAR integrates sensor systems and, by being in direct contact with the skin, it ensures the best energy efficiency into the heating textile market. It is made of an ultra-lightweight, Italian quality, anti-sweat textile fabric that is <1mm thick.
QOOWEAR is based on selected heating points which use blood as a thermal vector and it uses Artificial Intelligence to recognize in real-time the coldest points of the body, giving them the priority to be heated, including critical anatomical areas such as fingers and toes. QOOWEAR integrates sensor systems and, by being in direct contact with the skin, it ensures the best energy efficiency into the heating textile market. It is made of an ultra-lightweight, Italian quality, anti-sweat textile fabric that is <1mm thick.

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